Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend Fun



We had a busy, fun weekend filled with a pompon dress rehearsal, a big football game, a collegiate pompon competition and an early holiday open house.

Friday night we traveled to East Lansing to attend the dress rehearsal for Melissa's upcoming Collegiate High Kick Pompon Competition and were thrilled to finally see the routine and the fabulous costumes. Their costumes, music and choreography all had a French flair and they were dressed as darling French maids, complete with green MSU feather dusters.

We had great time going to dinner at our favorite East Lansing mexican restaurant after the dress rehearsal was over. This restaurant is in a new location, but is one my husband and I often went to during our college days - it is fun that our daughters love it too :-)

Saturday was the big game between U of M and MSU. Our daughters may be rivals on game day, but they still love spending time together on their respective campuses. And, MSU won!

Sunday was spent at the pompon competition ( more to come in another post) and MSU won first place for the 7th year in a row! They are a wonderful and talented group of girls. After the competition we attended an early holiday open house at our club and I indulged in a glass of champagne to toast the pompon team's victory.

Happy Monday!



  1. Sounds like a weekend full of fun and smiles:) Have a blessed week, HUGS!

  2. MSU definitely won this year!! I didn't know El Az moved -- I gotta get back there sometime!!!

  3. What a wonderful weekend. The girls are beautiful. Congrats on the group winning again. That is impressive.

  4. How wonderful to see your daughters this weekend. Congrats on a first place finish!

  5. Your nest never seems empty for too long!! :) Sound like another wonderful weekend with your family. Congrats on the wins.


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