Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pinterest Success {24} Creamy Tomato Basil Chicken Lasagna




Lasagna is something I rarely make, except for company, because the recipe I use (my Mother's) is very time consuming. You need to cook the tomato sauce for quite some time, before even beginning to put the layers of the lasagna together. This recipe, that I pinned to try someday, caught my eye, because the cream based tomato sauce was not cooked in advance. And, it looked delicious too :-)

It was a little labor intensive putting it together, like any lasagna, but soon it was in the oven, bubbling away while I went for my daily walk. When I returned, my kitchen was fragrant with the scents of basil and melting cheese and I knew we were in for a treat.

We enjoyed this lasagna very much and it was a very nice departure from the usual meat lasagna. The combination of the chicken and the creamy tomato, basil sauce was very good. With a crusty loaf of bread, this was an amazing meal - no need to save this lasagna recipe for company.

Happy Wednesday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Jennifer Rizzo


Between Naps on the Porch

Gooseberry Patch

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Mom's Test Kitchen



  1. Looks delicious. Dishes like this make me miss tomatoes!!

  2. Oh I'll be making this one for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  3. It looks really good. I just made homemade lasagna for the first time last month. It does take a lot of time but it was worth it.

  4. Looks yummy! Nice variation on an old favorite.

  5. Nice to try something new. It looks so delicious. You have me thinking I should try it!

  6. sounds delicious. Going to pin it right now!!

  7. Sounds wonderful. Love the fact that, apart from a bit of assembly, there's not too much time involved.

  8. Thanks for linking to Saturday Dishes. This looks lucious.

    Linda @ Tumbleweed Contessa


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