Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Planting Fall Bulbs and Seeds



Sunday was a crazy, windy, rainy day here in the Midwest, but I was out planting bulbs and wildflower seeds in my raincoat. I'm sure my neighbors thought I was crazy, but it wasn't cold and I wanted to check it off my fall list :-)

Digging in the dirt is always therapeutic, and planting bulbs is no exception. You are putting an ugly bulb in the dirt, with cold weather ahead of you, for months. It is your hope for the future, that come spring, you will have beautiful flowers. It takes a little belief and more than a little patience to wait all winter for those bulbs to bloom. But, so worth it.

I planted hyacinth bulbs this fall, to add to my many blooming tulips. They make such a lovely statement, when planted in a small bunch here and there.

Also, my new experiment, was the fall planting of wildflower seeds at the back of my perennial garden, along the edge of the woods. I followed the directions, from The Vermont Wildflower Farm and waited for the killing frost, cleared an area of all weeds, tilled the ground and scattered the seeds. Their instructions say the seeds will lie dormant now and germinate in the spring. This is where the hope comes in!

I was able to pick a mix, native to my region and I can't wait to see what pretty flowers I have, come summer. I also picked a low height variety, so they will grow to one foot high. If I have flowers to cut, I will be a happy gardener.

Happy Tuesday!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style


  1. Can't wait to see the results of all your hard work!

  2. I bet you'll be so pleased with the spring blooms! Isn't it a hopeful thing to plant a bulb?

  3. I need to get out and plant some bulbs. I have a spot in my garden I might try the wildflowers seeds in. Our leaders at Bible study today actually gave all of us some tulip bulbs. Just the motivation I needed.

  4. I can't wait until spring to see what you get. xo Laura

  5. Love your sign. Hope you don't mind I copied it.

  6. I don't do bulbs..I don't like waiting for the leaves to die before they can be cut back..

  7. I can't wait to own a home and plant flowers and have a garden! I helped my friend plant bulbs one year and it is TOTALLY theraputic!

  8. Love the sign. I have never planted bulbs before but definitely put it on my "to do" list!

  9. I am always out the first weekend in December planting bulbs. They have always bloomed beautifully for me. I have not tried planting seed at this time of year though. I do have a lot of volunteers come up every summer, so this should work out well for you. I will be waiting until next summer for a post on how many of the seeds do actually germinate and bloom for you. It certainly does seem to work in nature, so why not in the flower bed.

  10. Well, I can't wait to see those beautiful flowers in the Spring:) I planted wild flowers two years ago and they have given me lots of joy! Enjoy your week dear friend, HUGS!

  11. I love something to look forward to . . .

  12. I was out on Tuesday in the wind (but no rain) doing exactly the same thing. My neighbours KNOW I'm crazy!!

    As for the wildflowers - can't wait to see what you get!! Always wanted to try this. But I don't have an area in the yard that I can let go wild.

  13. Planting trees or gardening is always heart warming and one kind of passion for many of us. I was impressed seeing how you tried to plant the bulbs and wildflower seeds that made me indeed very inspired and felt thrilled as I always love to keep my yard full with green and colorful trees and flower and also keep trimming in the right season to keep them healthy in growth. Though for this I have to call for the help form tree care services near me. Anyway, the bloomed colorful flowers do bring a peace and happiness. Love your nourish project.


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