Friday, November 1, 2013

Coming Out On The Other Side



For Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life series, the topic this week is advice to new moms. With young adult daughters, I feel I have come out on the other side of this stage of life, with only a few bumps and bruises to show for it. My daughters are independent young women, making their way in the world and I believe the time spent with them when they were young, made all the difference in making them who they are. So, the first piece of advice is leave the dirty dishes in the sink, put away the vacuum and say no to another meeting if you can and go to the park or have a tea party. Those are the things they remember the most and go a long way towards giving confidence and making them feel loved.

The second piece of advice is to not sweat the small stuff. I spent a lot of time making sure we had the right hair bow, to match the right dress. Or obsessing over a math grade. Or signing up a three year old for dance class before she was ready. All things will work themselves out over time and in the long run, you will look back and realize the stress you put yourself and your child under, wasn't really necessary. Celebrate who they are and love them through the mistakes you both make.

Finally, the one thing that will help your family the most in the stage of life with babies and young children is to find friends who can help you and most importantly, listen. Some of our best memories are with the families we spent time with when our daughters were young. From backyard barbeques, to school events, to spur of the moment babysitting, we were there to give each other support, laughter and to love each others kids. My daughters made lifelong friends and we all made memories we will never forget. Parenting young children can be hard day to day, but having a friend going through the same things makes it easier.

Have a great weekend!



  1. OH the first image is so TRUE. I'm in my 60's and the years have flown, but remember some days I thought would never end. If we all could just learn to live in the present--a goal of mine daily.

  2. Amen! We are right there with you, as you know, and I couldn't agree more. I actually challenged the moms of the little ones I teach on Wednesday, to put the brakes on just for one day and enjoy their time together. This was spurred after a conversation we as teachers had at a luncheon together, where all said life has just gotten way too crazy and hectic!

  3. Great advice! We are at the State tournament with SO many wonderful families who will remain our friends forever! We enjoy all of the times with them and the kids have made SO many wonderful memories together! SIGH... time is flying by to fast! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!


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