Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Fragments

It is so nice to put together a bouquet from the flowers around my yard. I take my clippers and snip a blossom here and there, along with whatever may be blooming in the woods. This one included the last daisy of the season. Hopefully it will be awhile before I need to purchase flowers from the grocery store.
The Cheesecake Factory is opening its first restaurant in Michigan very close to me on Tuesday and I look forward to eating there soon. I think I will wait out the first few weeks of madness though. According to a news article I read, there are expected to be long lines for the opening. I do love their cheesecake, but not enough to brave the crowds - or it might be a great idea to get a piece (or two) to go :-)
What can I say about The Bachelorette Finale? I read the spoilers and thought up until the last five minutes that Brooks was somehow coming back. I was shocked there was a proposal and an acceptance in light of the excessive crying over Brooks leaving. The show stretches the imagination anyway, but this ending was even more unbelievable. It made for some entertaining viewing at our watch party though. My friends and I were coming up with ending senarios that kept changing as the show went on. It was fun to have a glass of wine together and share our opinions of the craziness that is this show!
On Kelly's Korner, Show Us Your Life series, she is looking for recommendations of favorite apps today. The app I use the most, is the app that allows me to blog using my iPad. The Blogsy app couldn't be easier to use and allows a seamless transfer of pictures from iPhone to iPad to blog. You just drag and drop the photo where it goes in the post you are writing - no downloading involved. And, since the most recent update, any drafts you keep on file can be easily updated and sent to Blogger for posting. If you are thinking about using an iPad for blogging - this is a great way to accomplish that.
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love my bouquet on the bar in the kitchen... just whatever is blooming in my yard is what it consists of:) I don't watch the Bachelorette but saw them on GMA! I don't believe a lot of what they said:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I love bringing my garden flowers inside, too! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I am a walk around the yard and snip a few flowers person too! I love fresh flowers in the house!

    The Bachelorette saga was interesting indeed. Personally I couldn't imagine choosing Brooks, I was for Chris from the beginning. It will be an interesting journey . . . as strange as this sounds, I think this pair might make it work.

    Thanks for the app tip . . . I will give it a try.

  4. Beautiful bouquet! We have several Cheesecake Factory's here. They portions are HUGE! We usually order half salads and they are plenty. I rarely get to the cheesecake part as we are usually stuffed by then. Probably a good thing. LOL

  5. Never heard of blogsy, Will have to download it. That bachelorette has certainly gotten lots of publicity. I didn't watch one show this season and yet I know the story of what happened! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Nice flowers! I have a big flower garden too (courtesy of my hubby and son) and I just love seeing the beautiful blooms every morning.

  7. Love the Cheesecake factory! I am enjoying picking bouquets from my garden. Fresh flowers from the yard are the best. I will have to try out this app. I always have so many pics from my iphone. Just get tired of transferring them.

  8. Cheesecake factory...Yum..Pretty flowers..

  9. Oh my gosh....I downloaded Blogsy and I think I fell in love! So much better than Blogger for iPad. I have no excuse to not blog more frequently. All my photos are on my iphone/ipad. Just need to learn in and outs. Thanks for the awesome recommendation of your favorite app!

  10. Can't wait to try Blogsy, thanks!

  11. Love the Cheesecake Factory! We have one here in Richmond and there is usually a wait just about any time of the day. I agree with Lauren...portions are HUGE!

    Your flowers are beautiful....unfortunately the only thing I can cut in my yard are my hydrangeas and they are done for the season!

  12. The bouquet is so cheerful! Enjoy Cheesecake Factory, and have a great weekend!

  13. The Cheesecake Factory near us is always packed with a ping wait. You can't beat their cheesecake!! Your flowers are so pretty:) I think some of my prettiest arrangements come from my little garden flowers!

  14. Cheesecake Factory is definitely one of my favorite restaurants and I am glad there is one close to me. Your flowers are sweet. I would like to have daisies in my yard. Maybe next year! I have never watched the Bachelorette - guess I am missing out on something! I have seen the name Brook on Facebook - now I know what they were referring to!


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