Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Meet The Team



A few days ago, my husband made a trip to East Lansing for the official Meet the Spartans day and was able to include Melissa. They share a love of MSU football, so it was a wonderful father, daughter activity that they will always remember.

They were able to take advantage of an empty football stadium and take some great photos. It is not often you have this kind of opportunity and they made the most of their chance. Spartan Stadium is a special place to MSU students and alumni, so this was a treat for both of them.

Part of the afternoon included the chance to meet with MSU Football Coach, Mark Dantonio and the football players. They were also given the opportunity to have the coach or players autograph something. They took this opportunity to have Coach Dantonio sign a football that we will donate to Melissa's MSU Pompon team, for a raffle they will hold at their parent tailgate.

Football season is right around the corner and this was a great way for these two fans to get a head start on all the excitement.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. My dad's family is all from Michigan. When I was young, one of my distant cousins played on the team in the Rose Bowl. I remember lots of family coming out and staying with us to go to the game. What a special treat for them. Yeah football. I am so glad the season is almost here.

  2. Love it when dad's do special things with their daughters. It looks like they were having so much fun.

  3. Oh what a special time for the two of them. Love football, so ready for the new season. Hugs, Marty

  4. My dearest friend's daughter just graduated from MSU law school. She loved it!

  5. What fun! Brings back wonderful memories-I graduated from MSU many years ago!

  6. We're big Oregon State fans. Even though my daughter just graduated from OSU, I still plan on attening a couple football games this fall. Go Beavs!

  7. How fun for them!!! For an MSU fan that is the ultimate day! We have our tickets and can't wait for the first game! :)

  8. Great daughter/father event! Go Green!

  9. Oh that looks like SO much fun! Love the picture of Melissa in the empty stadium seats! Great memories made! Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!


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