Monday, August 5, 2013

Moving Out - The Pink Chair



This pink chair was painted this week, in the midst of moving my daughter Melissa into her house on campus.

It was painted with love and is my way of making sure there is a little piece of home in her newly decorated pink and black room.

Along with many bins of clothes, kitchen supplies, bedding and other essentials, the chair was loaded into her car - full to the brim, as I waved goodbye.

She will only be an hour away, but when you are missing your daughter, any distance is too far.

Especially when she reminds you she may not be back to live at home ever again - a twelve month lease on a house means no more summers at home and then of course there is graduation looming.

But, I have learned a few things in this empty nest life. They need to go and you need to let them. They do come back for visits and those visits are special times. We will meet for tailgates, for lunches and dinners. There will be a lot of happy hellos and sad goodbyes.

You find they still need you - your advise and sometimes just a sympathetic ear. And, most importantly you find that hearing how happy they are - becoming who they are supposed to be - is all a parent can ask for.

Happy Monday!


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch and Savvy Southern Style and Jennifer Rizzo



  1. Great post, Vicki. I can identify with every word of it. Love the pink chair!

  2. I know... sniff sniff! It is nice to see them happy but sad to let them go! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, BIG HUGS!

  3. I know, I know . . . you said it perfectly, yet still sad to let them go . . .

  4. I remember it well. I wish I could give you a hug...but this will have to do.


  5. I know how you feel. My daughter just graduated from college this past June, and has a full-time "real" job about an hour and a half away. It was sad realizing she won't be home for summer anymore.

  6. Lovely post and that pink chair is so cute:)

  7. The chair is so cute. I can't relate yet but I am sure I will feel the same someday. All the best to both of you. :)

  8. Oh, I get this one so well! My younger daughter will leave Friday for her senior year. After that, it's about that next phase of utterly empty nest. (Hopefully anyway... in this economy, who knows for sure.) I smiled at the thought that yours has a piece of home right there with her.

    Stopping in from M.M.

  9. awww Vicki - I am in almost the same kind of situation so I understand what you've expressed here. My oldest daughter's family has just moved 3 hours away. With FOUR of my six grandkids. I know that's not an insurmountable distance - we just did it last week again - but like you said - ANY distance is too far!
    I love your pink chair! Recently sprayed a rocker with the bright turquoise color that pops with joy like your chair does. Fun!
    Keep in mind that when the kids are no longer around every day, that means there's more time for planning a REALLY great event when they do come home to visit! That's what keeps me going!

  10. Vicki, This is so sweet and I understand this feeling so well as a went through this with both my kids. The dynamics change as they grow. We see them less but when we do it's wonderful:)'s all about quality time. Change is tough but this is good and meant to be:) hang in there!

  11. How sweet Vicki. I needed to hear that as mine is flying thousands of miles away.

  12. Love the chair, and totally relate!! Our oldest has been "on her own" since her sophomore year...however, only 45 minutes away. The baby goes back in two weeks, and has reminded us that she will not be home as often this year as she will be busy with sorority (they rushed 2nd semester last year as freshmen). I get a lump in my throat just thinking about it. I am blessed however that both make it a point to call home every day. It really helped ease the transition last year for sure. It takes me a few weeks to get into the "empty nest" mode again, and to get over the quiet. Even our sweet little pup goes through an adjustment phase looking for her! Breaks my heart. Hang in there...we are all in the boat together.

  13. Such a pretty chair! Our nest empties over and over again it seems. And each time I tear up. Hope your girls and you have many great reunions. Ann

  14. We work so hard to teach our children independence then, damn, if they don't go and be all independent on us. My daughter lives thousands of miles away but we have a blast every time we are together.
    The pink chair is adorable!

  15. Love the pink chair! I take my daughter back to college on Sunday....I wish she was only an hour away! Mine goes to Kansas and I miss meeting for tailgates and lunches, but it's worth it because she is so happy there!

  16. Bless you! My twins start kindergarten this year and I already have anxiety about the days flying by too fast. Prayers for both you and your daughters. The chair will be that touch of home your daughter will need at college!

  17. Such a sweet post! As another empty nester, I understand. The chair turned out very cute.

  18. Love the chair! I know it's coming sooner than I think. My oldest daughter is starting high school this month. Where did the time go? I know in a blink it will soon be college.

  19. The empty nest take some time to get used to, but it's a great new beginning! Love the chair!

  20. Awe. You're making me tear up! Great story. Love the chair. Stop by my Friday's Five Features and link up this post (and others)!


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