Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pretty, Pretty Petunias



This has been an unusual summer in the Midwest. Usually by August, the flowers are struggling to continue to bloom in the heat and dry weather. Especially the petunias - they tend to get leggy and stop giving new blooms at the end of the summer.

But this year has been different. These beautiful flowers are still showing off their frilly blossoms with abandon and they love all the rain and cool temperatures we have been experiencing. They are such a happy splash of color in my garden and can be found in pots here and there too.

I know the blooming days are coming to a close, and look forward to the fall blooms ahead, but these mild summer days have given us the gift an extended season of these pretty, pretty petunias.

I am listening to more, early morning rain, as I write this post - the flowers will be happy today :-)

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Elizabeth & Company August Garden Party and Between Naps on the Porch



  1. I love your petunias! This is the first year that I didn't plant any! Not sure why, but I love enjoying yours:) Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. Pretty poises . . . mine are beginning their wind down! I found my first evidence of Japanese Lanterns yesterday!

  3. They still look great. My flowers are on the way out - thanks to temps in the 100's.

  4. They are beautiful. Our flowers struggled this year with TOO much water! Looking forward to planting pansies in the fall.

  5. Well that was lovely eye candy. Visiting via BNOTP.

  6. I'm so glad someone somewhere is enjoying nice weather. Your petunias are so pretty!

  7. Your petunias are just lovely. I can't imagine summer without them!


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