Friday, May 15, 2015

A Little Lunch and a Little Shopping





Having Melissa home and waiting to start her job for a few weeks has been a treat and we are taking advantage of every moment. We both like to venture out for lunch and shopping, so on a day with beautiful blue skies, we decided to go to one of our favorite spots for walking around. Since I live in the heart of the suburbs and usually drive from place to place, it's fun to do something different and go to a city with a vibrant downtown area where you can park and walk from restaurants to stores.


We started with a mimosa for me and a belinni for Melissa and they were perfect for an early lunch. Though sunny, it was a little to chilly to sit outside, but we enjoyed the eclectic atmosphere of the restaurant just as well from our red leather banquette. This restaurant serves breakfast until late afternoon, so Melissa chose eggs, while I went for their special BLT.



After lunch we walked around a little, just enjoying being outside in the springtime. There was a newly opened Alex and Ani store just down the block from the restaurant and I enjoyed browsing through the pretty bracelets and added one to my collection. We didn't buy much, but sometimes shopping can be fun, just looking at and admiring pretty things. Especially when I'm spending time with one of my daughters.

Have a wonderful weekend!




  1. Nothing like spending time shopping and lunch with our daughter's, is there? Best times ever! That restaurant sounds like such a charming place and I love that Alex and Ani necklace! Great taste!
    Have a great weekend~

  2. Nice to have some mother daughter time! Great Alex and Ani buy! Wish we had one closer to us!

  3. Sounds like a perfect lunch and browse . . . Enjoy these next weeks!

  4. Sounds like a perfect day. I love places that we can just park that car and browse. my girls are a little overwhelmed with final projects right now.. hopefully once school settles down we can get back to our girl dates!! :)

  5. I love mother daughter shopping days!

  6. This is what I miss by having two boys. But someday in the future, I pray for a fun daughter-in-law!

  7. Shopping and brunch with daughters is the best thing ever. I'm looking forward to living nearer one of mine when we move south. Will this daughter be working nearby?

  8. Best time ever. Spending time with daughters:)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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