Monday, May 4, 2015

Pretty Spring Flowers





May brings the start of flower season here in Michigan and it was a beautiful weekend to finally add a little color to the view out my windows. While a little too early to do my big, annual planting, pansies can withstand any frost still to worry about and are such happy flowers to see when I look out my kitchen windows. After trying to go to my local farmers market on Saturday, which I mistakingly thought was open, I happily made my first trip to my favorite nursery. Two pretty pots of pansies made their way into my cart, as I browsed the aisles of annuals in the greenhouses, mentally planning my flower beds.




One of the plants we received from my father in laws funeral was a beautiful, blooming azalea. Azaleas planted in Michigan can be a bit tricky, but I will nurture this one the best I can and hope for blooms next year at this time. I planted it in a partly sunny spot near the woods, next to the blooming daffodils and my favorite hand painted birdhouse, for a pretty splash of spring color from my bedroom window.



Finally, the beautiful sunny weekend caused the rhododendron outside my dining room window to burst with its pretty, purple blooms. They don't last long, but are a beautiful sight every May.

Happy Monday!


Linking with What's Blooming This Week



  1. So pretty . . . thanks for the colorful Monday morning cheer up!

  2. How clever of you to plant flowers that match your blog scheme! Beautiful Monday to you!

  3. The rhododendron and azalea are both really beautiful! Your pansies are cheerful too. Have a good week!

  4. Wow! Your rhodo is blooming already? Mine isn't even close to popping. I would have thought that we had the same gardening weather. Makes you think.

    Hope you'll pop over and share this with the What's Blooming This Week Garden Party.

  5. So many pretty blooms already in your garden. I'm visiting from the What's blooming this week link party.

  6. Oh, I can't wait to get my flower pots planted! Your are beautiful!


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