Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Quiet Thursday Morning




A quiet morning, with the sun shining, is exactly what I needed today. Waking up to gloomy rain and gray skies for the past few days has dampened my mood and the sun is a welcome change. I made some coffee in my favorite mug and went outside to see if anything was blooming; a favorite way to start the day. My patch of lily of the valley, which remind me so much of my grandmother, were in bloom and ready to be cut and put in a sweet vase. Spring yields the sweetest flowers and I love bringing a bouquet inside to enjoy.



When I went to breakfast on Mother's Day and ordered my favorite California Omlette instead of blueberry pancakes, I knew I would be craving them soon. This seemed the perfect morning to prepare a recipe I haven't made in a while, but is so easy and quick. Instead of standing over the stove, flipping pancakes, these Baked Blueberry Pancakes are an amazing alternative. This time, I prepared them in a smaller baking dish and cooked them five minutes longer for a thicker, puffed pancake. They were delicious :-)

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch



  1. We are back to the rain and gloom after one day if sun. At least I got some flowers planted. Sunday will be our next nice day. I have lily of the valley growing wild-they really are pretty.

    I was looking at your delicious breakfast and thought how great it would be to make it for a group at the lake (I usually try to bake something that can feed a crowd). I'll Pin it for "whenever"! ;-)

    Jane x

  2. We've had some rather dreary days around here, too, Vicki! So glad to see the sun shining in Louisiana, if the humidity would just go away!

  3. Oh, will this rain ever end! What a nice day to bake and I'm sure it was delicious! I've never grown Lily of the Valley, how sweet that it reminds you of your grandmother.

  4. Both are favorites of mine...thanks for the recipe, Vicki!...:)JP

  5. It certainly was cold and gloomy the last couple days. I spent them in the garage oainting, so that kept me warm. Thursday was nice. But it a looking gloomy again today. Of to a yard sake to see what treasures I can find.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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