Monday, May 11, 2015

A Proud Weekend




It was a proud weekend for all of us as we attended Melissa's graduation ceremony from MSU on Friday night. Seeing her in her cap and gown and hearing the professor who was conferring the degrees, call her name, was an emotional moment, especially when it is your youngest child and you know this will be your last time at this kind of life event.



It was wonderful that Megan was able to get off work and travel from Pittsburgh to attend the ceremony. She was so proud of her little sister and having her there made the night even more special for all of us.



On Saturday night, I planned a special dinner at our club with family and friends in attendance, balloons on the table and a cake to end the celebration. We had a lovely time, with wonderful food and a lot of talk about Melissa's bright future, all around the table.



Mother's Day was a perfect ending to a weekend filled love and the joy of having my daughters home together. We went to my favorite breakfast spot and then dodged the raindrops and went for a beautiful walk in a nature park close to my home. Exactly how I love to spend my mornings.

Happy Monday!



  1. I know you are beaming, Vicki!

  2. What a proud moment for you! Congrats to your daughter on all of the hard work!

  3. Congratulations to Melissa!! Such a special moment. Katie called a little while ago and said, "I"M DONE!!!" Took her last final today. Well, at least for undergrad anyway. She will walk the stage on Friday. It will be bittersweet saying good bye to Waco and Baylor. They truly have become home and a family.

  4. Congratulations Melissa . . .
    Well done!

  5. Congratulations! You have such a lovely family! I'm glad that they were both able to celebrate mothers day with you.

  6. I know you are very proud! Congrats to all!

  7. Congratulations and how wonderful to have your girls both home for Mother's Day!!


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