Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's Planting Time




It's the time I look forward to so much. The time of year when I am able to be outside, working in my yard and garden making everything look so pretty. There is always a lot of work involved to get to the point of being able to plant the flowers; wood chips to spread, weeds to conquer and hundreds of sticks to pick up, but it makes me very happy to get to that place. I love the whole process from going to the plant nursery to pick out what I have decided on, to getting my hands in the dirt and planting in both the ground and various pots. Gardening really is good for the soul.




Petunias bloom in my recycled firepit planter, as well as the tiny little wheelbarrow in this garden statue.



The pansies I bought early in the spring are still looking pretty.



I always plant geraniums both for their pretty, bright color, as well as their hardiness. Mixed in the pots this year is some Mexican Heather, with its sweet and tiny purple flowers.



More petunias in a basket hanging from a tree.



Tiny bunches of lobelia, in a bright purple, are planted randomly around landscape rocks here and there.




Pots I usually fill with geraniums, this year hold cosmos and salvia. Pretty, but hopefully the deer will stay away and not eat them for their breakfast!



More geraniums and Mexican Heather look welcoming and pretty on my front porch.


Happy Thursday!


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch, Savvy Southern Style and New House, New Home



  1. Just beautiful! I love seeing what flowers do well in other parts of the country. Here in Texas, I have roses, lantana, begonias, and geraniums blooming right now.

  2. Vicki, you plants/flowers are just beautiful! I so wish that I enjoyed gardening and had a green thumb. Our yard is SO boring! If only you lived next door to us..... :)

  3. Very pretty Vicki . . .
    I agree, gardening is good for the soul . . .

  4. Isn't this the best time of year?! Your gardens are looking so pretty, I know you enjoy the time you spend there. I like lobelia and cosmos, too, but geraniums are my go-to work'flower' as they can handle the heat and drier conditions of our front porch. (not that I forget to water them now and then!! :/ ) Happy weekend, Vicki!

  5. Gardening is great for the soul...been doing it for years!...:)JP

  6. Looks great! Nothing like digging in the dirt to really ground a person.

    Can't wait to to see the cosmos and lobelia in full bloom!

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Looks wonderful! Your geraniums are vibrant, and the salvia and cosmos and impatiens are pretty as well. I love your garden statue and your landscape rocks. Those things add a lot to a garden.

  8. Your garden shots are so pretty! I especially like that little guy pushing the wheelbarrow of flowers. Such a sweet garden accessory!


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