Friday, May 8, 2015

Graduation Week





It is a tradition around the MSU campus that the soon to be graduates walk around and take photos in their cap and gown, at all the iconic places. It is a rite of passage and one they look forward to experiencing with their friends. It has been a week filled with excitement for Melissa, all leading up to the graduation ceremony tonight, where she will walk across stage to accept her diploma and attain her bachelor of arts from the College of Communication Arts and Sciences.



It has been a week of savoring every moment with her good friends. And, it has been a life changing week where she accepted a job offer that will start her on a career in corporate communications.



We are so proud of all she has accomplished in four years and her graduation will be celebrated with family and friends. The four years at MSU are something she will always treasure and all her experiences, from late night homework to performing with the pompon team to football tailgates, will all be wonderful memories to hold forever.



She is a remarkable and amazing girl with a bright future and we will be celebrating right along with her.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Congratulations to your daughter! What great memories and beautiful pictures!

  2. Congratulations to your beautiful and talented daughter! I know you will be smiling with tears too! HUGS!

  3. Congrats to your daughter! (And to her proud mom!)

  4. YAY!!!!! What beautiful and memory making images!!! You made me take a moment to remember my college graduation day and smile. I can remember each and every second of that day....and it was a million yrs ago! Congrats! And it's ok mama...she will always be your lil girl...just with different experiences now. You've done a great job!

  5. Awesome, Vicki! I know you are one proud Mama!! Enjoy your Mother's Day!!

  6. Congratulations! What a phenomenal accomplishment! Our son is graduating from UCLA in June and I have a lump in my throat. We are so proud, but know that a new chapter is now closed. He has a real job too! You have such a beautiful and talented daughter. Congratulations again!

  7. Congratulations! She is beautiful, I can see she takes after you, Vicki. Great photos!

  8. A very special time in her life (and yours!)! Great photos! I'm so excited for her and all the graduates! Our nephew graduates from Ohio State University this weekend, too.

  9. What a special time in both your lifes. Some really great photos. Congrats on outstanding accomplishment. She sure has a great set of legs:-}

  10. Congratulations! Sounds like she had a wonderful experience at college and she looks ready for the next big step.

  11. Fabulous and fun . . . each of the photos . . .
    Congratulations to your sweet and beautiful daughter . . .
    Congratulations to mom and dad too!
    (Great news about the job offer!)

  12. Congratulations!! It's a proud moment to see your child complete this part of their lives - I still remember sitting in the auditorium and hearing my son's name called amongst 1000 new police officers. My daughter chose to skip her graduation from university, but I loved watching her designs come down the runway at her post-grad design college.


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