Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday Notes




This will be a busy week, as I finally am able to get my yard in shape for summer. I look forward to many trips to buy both mulch and flowers and lots of time spent outside. Memorial Day weekend is my planting weekend, based on likelihood of frost and even though I see morning temperatures that will be in the fifties, I think it is finally safe. Until then, I have been buying some unique flowers at the grocery store to get my flower fix. Sometimes, I buy inexpensive flowering greens, meant for filler in bouquets and place it in a few colored mason jars for a sweet and simple statement. The latest have bright green leaves, with subtle, tiny yellow flowers. I have no idea what they are, but I like their pop of color.



We spent the afternoon yesterday with my parents, celebrating a belated Mother's Day, as well as Melissa's graduation. We had a nice lunch and I even took a yummy cake to mark the occasion. They are doing well as can be expected for their age and are still walking a few miles each day. Doesn't my mother look great for eighty one?



I am looking forward to my book club this week. Between vacations and family visits, I have missed two months in a row and look forward to our book discussion this month. I am about one third of the way through The Light Between The Oceans and am finding after a slow start, I am enjoying it. One of the things I like most about being in a book club are the book club choices. They are books I would never pick up on my own, but ones I end up enjoying immensely.

Happy Monday!



  1. Congratulations on the graduation! The photo of you and your family is beautiful and yes, your mom looks great! Our son is doing an internship in PA this summer and is leaving soon. My mother-in-law and I are going to drive out to get him settle. She's 83 and still going strong.

    I love our book club for the same reasons you do. It stretches my reading repertoire and the discussions are so much fun!!

    Have a great week in your gardens! Zenda

  2. Your mother looks fantastic for 81!!!! Always nice to celebrate with family. Our book club read Light Between the Oceans a year ago. I need to pick it up again, as I never finished it. Definitely a slow start!!

  3. I came over from Cozy Little Cottage and am so glad to find you! I am just starting the beginnings of the empty nest phase - youngest daughter moved out on Mother's Day and oldest daughter just graduated college and will move out before year-end likely.

    I will be interested to see how you like The Light Between Oceans. It's one I need to attempt again. I got bored about the 1/3 through mark because as you said it was moving so slowly. Perhaps it's time to try again. Looking forward to reading your blog!

  4. I wish I had temps in the 50's..We were at 90 today and humid...Yuk..May go down in the 70's again until Memorial DAY..Hope so

  5. Enjoy you plantings and tweaking . . . it is time, it is time . . .
    (although I am hearing frost warnings on the late news tonight!)
    I think your mom is a lovely 81 . . .

  6. I started that book but never finished it. I don't usually do that. Have a great time at book club!

  7. Another busy week for you!! Have a good one.

  8. Love the pic of you, mom, and melissa...Happy planting!


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