Thursday, May 21, 2015

Summer Reading List




The image that gets me through many a long, cold winter day is the thought of me sitting in a lounge chair by the pool, with a good book, a cocktail on a table by my side and an endless summer afternoon before me. It's a simple summer pleasure, but one I enjoy so very much. From the time I was a little girl, summer was synonymous with reading. I loved going into the cool library on hot summer days and finding the perfect stack of books to take home and read. And, the summer reading contest was everything. I was so proud having all those stickers next to my name by the end of the summer. My book worm roots go all the way back to my childhood and it's part of who I am.

This summer, I already have put together a list of some of my favorite authors who have books set for publication in the summer months. The genres are varied, from mysteries and crime to your basic chick lit; perfect for beach reading. I can't wait to get started.


X by Sue Grafton

(A Kinsey Millhone novel)



Summer Secrets by Jane Green


Brush Back by Sara Paretsky

(A V.I. Warshawski novel)


Who Do You Love by Jennifer Weiner


After The Storm by Linda Castillo

(A Kate Burkholder novel)


Happy Thursday!




  1. I, too, remember summer days spent gathering books at the library, and reading for hours. And no other responsibilities! Reading poolside sounds wonderful!
    And thank you for your visit to my blog.

  2. I love the Sue Grafton series, and always look forward to a new letter. I'm reading A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler right now for my book club. Not sure what I think yet. Enjoy your summer list!

  3. I'm working on my reading list too, Vicki. So exciting!

  4. Always love seeing what you are reading.

  5. I will have to check this list out . . . thanks Vicki . . .
    Summer reads on my porch are the best times ever!

  6. We share some of the same authors. I'm going to enjoy sitting out by our pool and reading this summer, too!

  7. Some of my favorite authors! I'll be adding these to my summer reading list!


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