Friday, February 15, 2013

40 Bags in 40 Days


I am ready to make a clean sweep of my home. The idea of going through drawers, closets and the storage areas and either donating or getting rid of things we no longer need, is very appealing to me at this stage of my life. I want to simplify and organize - where everything has a place or a purpose. This year, instead of giving up something for Lent, I will be taking on the 40 bags in 40 days challenge.

This is the first of many bags I will be filling in the next few weeks. Before Easter, 40 bags of clothes, old papers and household items will leave my home. They will be filled with things we don't need. Things that might help someone. Things that by the act of getting rid of them, will free some space in both my home and my mind.


I may not fill one bag per day. I may not keep a chart, like those found on Pinterest. But, I will use my time to slowly, but surely meet this Lenten challenge. I believe that the physical act of of purposely going about this process, will give me a plan to go forward with a calmer and more simple way of life.

Have a great weekend - you will find me filling bags :-)



  1. What a great idea! I am walking 40 miles for 40 days with my dogs, averaging a mile a day. Love this idea! laura

  2. Good for you! I think we're on the same wavelength, here. I went through my closet a couple weeks ago and made a rule for myself that if I bring in something new, I have to choose something to get rid of. That felt so good, that now I'm on to the rest of the house - but I think it will probably be more like 40 weeks than 40 days - sigh.

  3. Great Idea. I did that last year when we retired and moved. Filled about 36 bags, one box of the huge heavy duty ones. I think the Trash man really hated me by the end. I found one year later that I missed none of it and it was so calming to live in a much cluttered space when we moved. I have kept it up and each week do a designated spot and a bag goes out. Now mind you our house never looked cluttered to begin with so it is hitting all those junk drawers, closets with clothes that dont get worn, the garage, the kitchen cabinets etc.
    Good luck with your efforts and I look forward to seeing your progress. Oh and hide from the trash guy!

  4. Oh boy. That would keep me busy. I would probably be surprised at how much stuff I really don't need. Great idea! :)

  5. My basement awaits...

  6. Good luck! That's a serious challenge!
    I do a purge pretty regularly around here and it amazes me the crap I'm still able to get rid of--I don't remember buying all this stuff!

  7. Great idea! I do clean out periodically and I think it's time to hit the basement and junk drawers again. Keep us posted on your progress, and good luck!

  8. Hello Vickie..
    I stumbled happily upon your blog and have marked the trail...I plan to travel back often...and follow have inspired me...


  9. Good Luck Vicki

    I could never do that as I'm a bit (lot) of a hoarder
    I would pack the bags
    and then take everything out the next day and put it back!!!

    Happy Friday

  10. This is a great challenge and you are right it will clear your house as well as your mind. Good luck! Ann

  11. This is great.Lent is a time of renewal. A time in spring to cleanse your mind and your home. Our minds and lives can get cluttered just like our homes.We all could benefit from some renewal. Good luck for these 40 days.

  12. That is a great idea! And something I definitely need to do. My oldest son says I am a hoarder. My problem is that if something can be reused or repurposed, I hate to just toss it so I save, save, save. But every nook and cranny is stuffed to the brim and I really need to purge and organize. You've inspired me to get back to the task. Good luck on your end! Tammy

  13. This is awesome! Good for you! I need to follow in your footsteps. I am sure I'd feel freer and happier too! Thanks for the motivation!

  14. I probably won't fill 40 bags but I have begun the process of de-cluttering the house and donating the results where they'll do the most good. 3 boxes so far!

    Thanks so much for your encouraging words this morning.

  15. Oh what an awesome idea:) I could fill a truck! Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!

  16. I'm also doing 40 bags in 40 days for Lent. Big job but one that I know needs to be done. I'm visiting from Kelly's Korner. Good luck with your project!

  17. What a great idea! I'm not sure I'd have enough to fill 40 bags, but I guess they don't have to all be large. I'm sure there's clothes to be donated and closets that could be emptied somewhere! :)

  18. What a wonder undertaking. I was going to give up sugar for Lent but this is a much better idea! So glad I found your blog, Jan

  19. A friend of mine is doing the same challenge. I love it. Me, on the other hand - I need to take my current pile of donations to my Goodwill before starting a new one.

    I would love for you to link up your project to my Fabulously Frugal Thursday linky (

  20. I love this idea and had not heard of it before. I agree with you that it's not about one bag a day, but more of the deliberate plan to fill 40 bags. I also REALLY like the idea of giving items away. I ALWAYS try to pass on what I'm no longer using.

    I think you've finally (I haven't been able to figure out my Lenten challenge) given me an appropriate Lenten challenge.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. I'm doing 40 Bags in 40 Days as my lenten challenge too! It sounded a little daunting at first, but I think this is (sadly) going to be easier than I'd initially imagined. Good luck!

    (Visiting from the House of Rose Dog Days of Winter link party.)

  22. I so need to do this! Being in the middle of a construction mess and the thought of having to clean every single thing and re-home things makes me want to just throw everything out. Ok, so once I stop being so dramatic, I'm really ready to purge so much of this crap and just live with what we really need.
    Thanks for the reminder. :)

  23. I am at a similar point of letting things go, and although it's sad parting with some things (even though I know logically that I don't use/need them), it has been like a weight lifting off of me. Good luck, and enjoy the journey - it can bring up a lot of memories, good and bad, going through all that stuff! :) [#TALU]

  24. I have been doing this too. I'm not part of any blog meme, but just decided that we have GOT to get a handle on the clutter. I have about 5 garbage bags full by the door now. I love to purge!

  25. So liberating to just be rid of stuff huh!


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