Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It's Heart Month



Since February is heart awareness month and specifically about heart attack awareness for women, I thought this list of 10 ways to love your heart was was important to talk about. Since I am a diabetic, many types of risk factors increase, including heart disease. I am happy to say that at this point in my continuing commitment for a healthier life, most of these 10 recommendations are things that I follow. Share this important information with your mothers, sisters and girlfriends - let's help each other live a healthier life.

Exercise 30 minutes per day will help strengthen your heart. Go for a walk, run or try any physical activity.

Lose Weight Extra weight increases your risk for diabetes, high cholesteral and heart disease.

Reduce Alcohol Intake Reccomendations limit alcohol for women to one drink per day

Quit Smoking Smokers have a 79% higher risk for heart disease

Be Proactive Educate yourself on how to prevent heart disease and the signs of a heart attack

Reduce Stress Maintain a balanced lifestyle and reduce stress through exercise or meditation

Get Regular Check Ups Visit your doctor regularly and have your blood pressure and cholesterol checked

Ask your doctor about Aspirin Both as a preventative measure and if you suspect a heart attack

Eat healthy 5 servings per day of fruits and vegetables reduce your risk for heart disease by 17%

Know signs of a Heart Attack and what to do Learn the signs of a heart attack in women here

Have a great day!



  1. Very thoughtful post Vicki, I'm getting back into exercise...again...now that I'm back on my meds. Strictly indoors for now; I'm not supposed to be out in the cold.

  2. Thanks Vicki:) Have a blessed evening, HUGS!


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