Friday, February 22, 2013

Favorite Family Photos


While posed, formal family portraits can be lovely and wonderful memories, the family photographs that I enjoy the most are the ones that are candid and definitely not posed. These are the photographs that really capture the moment and show real emotion. I was sorting through my photo files and came across these shots from our family vacation this past summer, and was immediately drawn to these three. Everything from the light, to the composition makes these stand out to me. I see the relationships told, and the memories being made, in the moment they were shot.

Lake Michigan at sunset - three generations looking for rocks, putting our feet in the water and enjoying the peacefulness.

The walk to the beach, through the sand dunes. Grandpa is leading the way, as the sun sets in the background.

Cousins biking on Mackinac Island. The have grown up together and as young adults, still enjoy these family vacations.

Memories to cherish - each photo telling a story of both the history that has gone before it, as well as the present connections being made.

Have a great weekend!


Linking with Kelly's Korner



  1. In a day when families are so spread out, it's so wonderful for those cousins to have grown up together. Nice photos.

  2. Oh this is truly beautiful the photos the words and most important the love love I feel in this post. B

  3. I agree that sometimes candid photos are just the best. The love is spontaneously captured in these photos and just shines through.

  4. I love these...the last photo is just so perfect!


  5. Great photos, loved the walk to the beach with grandpa leading the way. Candid photos capture the memory . . .

  6. Love the pic of the sunset and everyone walking to the waters edge. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Sweet memories made and captured with photos:) Love the sun shimmering on the water! Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  8. you are absolutey right about the candid shots telling the story! I do freelance photography and my most fun shoots are those that have no planning whatsoever. and can usually get the feelings across much more that way too!
    I've so enjoyed going thru all the different pics your friends have sent in. Have my granddaughter this weekend and plan to do some images of her as well as the two NEW grandbabies on the way!!
    My coffee has been sweeter this morning reading your blog!!

  9. You are so right about the candid shots being the best. Love the one of the cousins biking. Wish my kids grew up knowing their cousins. Ann

  10. I also agree. The candid shots always turn out to be my favorites. They catch personalities best.

  11. They are so wonderful....

    The best family photos are those when no one knows that the photo is being taken, and everyone is relaxed.


  12. Great photos. They really capture the family love.

  13. these bring you back to such fond memories...lovely shots!!

  14. Ah they are lovely photos Vicki

    Have a good week

    x Fiona

  15. Love the photo where Grandpa is leading the way - sweet. -TALU

  16. My favorite photos are the ones where no one knows they are being photographed. These are lovely. (talu)

  17. Three generations and peaceful would never go in the same sentence when discussing my family! ;) [#TALU]

  18. Beautiful photographs and memories. TALU


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