Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Books and Tea



Reading is so much a part of my life. Call me a book worm and it would be true. Some of my fondest memories of childhood are the joy of finding a new book at the library, on a hot summer day. I like to multi task when I watch television and will usually read during commercials. And, I read fast. Finishing a book in a matter of hours is the norm, if there are no distractions.


In the winter, I can be found, cozy on the couch, a fire in the fireplace and a hot mug of tea close by. In the summer, you will find me on the patio, enjoying the outdoors and the sunshine, as I read. Or, you might find me at the pool, but never without a book to read.


It is always an unexpected pleasure when I stumble across a new book that I am not familiar with, but end up loving. This is one reason why I love my book club so much. There have been many books we have read that I never would have picked on my own, but have enjoyed and even count as favorites.

This is one such book. I was browsing Amazon, looking for something new and stumbled across this story of two friends coming of age in the 1960's. I found the characters fascinating and the narrative, told in the voice of one of the girls, so compelling. Many of the events are heartbreakingly real and I was unable to put this book down. But, that is the best kind of book - a book that draws you into the character's lives and their emotions.
That is what makes books so special. There is always the possibility when you open a book, that you will find characters and a story that have that special something. Something that moves you, makes you feel and have a connection. Always the possibility, that you will find a book you love.


Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, A Favorite Thing



  1. I used to read a lot before, but since I started blogging I don't seem to have as much free time:) Must get back into it for Summer!

  2. I haven't heard of this one, but will look for it. Have you read The Light Between Oceans by ML Steadman? That's one I read recently and really loved.

  3. I was given a book recently by my parents which used to belong to my Great Grandma! Inside it had the date 1898 and her name along with little scribblings. Books like this I love, where you can smell the age, turn the pages and each page holds new surprises. My daughter recently read The Hunger Games and was showing all different emotions as she was reading it. Powerful stuff.

  4. This looks so good! I have a bad habit of having a book recommended to me and after reading reviews, I order it on my Nook. I have about 4 waiting for me in my library there!

    Hope you're having a great week!


  5. I'm pretty much the same...I started out by bringing home tall stacks of books on the city bus. Libraries always were my favorite places....I spent so much time there in my youth. Now, I love to read and have joined a little book club. I was introduced to short stories in this book club. I never liked short stories in the past, but today with tired eyes and mac. degeneration...I find that I love them. I can't read as long as I used to, but my life would be empty without books.

  6. I have been an avid reader since a young girl. I've always "escaped" into my books and they have always been a friend too me. A few of my friends and I started a book club and we are meeting this Friday for the first time. I'm excited to read new books that I wouldn't normally read, and to see how each one of us inteprets them.

  7. I love mention of a good book . . . THANK YOU!

  8. Hi Vicki, I share your love of reading, especially in the winter months. In the summertime I spend a great deal of time outside but I still find time to read. Right now I'm reading Beverly Lewis' books; she writes about the Amish and the books are from a Christian perspective. I absolutely loved the Ladybug Farm series of books. Next on my list is Dean Koontz' book about his beloved Trixie: A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog Named Trixie. I don't purchase tons of books; I don't have an e-reader; I am a library user extraordinaire. Best wishes to you!
    Hugs, Beth

  9. I love to read, also - and the image of curling up in front of the fireplace... I wish I was doing that right now. This one sounds interesting. I'm going to bookmark it to check out later. Thanks!

  10. I too, love books, Vicki. I think it comes from being the only child at home and pretending all my beloved childhood book characters were my friends. Nothing feels better than reading a good book! Ann

  11. Thanks for the tip on the book:) Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

  12. Another book love here, but I'll usually substitute the tea part with an endless pot of really good coffee!

  13. Good Morning Vicki, Like you, for me there is nothing like a good book, a cosy settee and a cup of coffee (sorry I am not a tea drinker). To have time to lose yourself in a book is the most wonderful thing. I love the smell of a book, the holding of the book and the turning of the pages. It is such a lovely way to spend a day.
    I have found you via Claudia at My Favourite Thing. I have enjoyed reading your post and I am going to catch up on your other posts later.
    I have become your newest follower and invite you to visit Ivy, Phyllis and Me!
    Sending you best wishes from England.

  14. I would have to change the tea to coffee - hee, hee! Happy weekend from the the enchanted oven!

  15. Vicki, you know I am on the same 'page' with you. I love reading. I can't get enough of it! And thank you for this book recommendation - it sounds very interesting.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  16. Books really can carry you away! Nice post.

  17. I have always loved to read too. When I fall in love with a novel I hate for it to end.

    Susan and Bentley

  18. Wow... substitute coffee for the tea and I have the same story! Once a bookworm, always a bookworm... and proud of it! :-)

  19. Thanks for the book suggestion. I love to find new authors and books! TALU

  20. Reading is both a treasure and a pleasure. Thanks for sharing this post on TALU.

  21. I love books! Happy to find your blog.....TALU

  22. I know of what you speak, Vicki! I was always like this, but recently I've let myself get too busy. Maybe I'll check out this book you recommended!
    Thanks for linking this up with the TALU!


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