Friday, February 1, 2013

Healthy Super Bowl


We will be attending a Super Bowl party on Sunday, and while it is not typically a day when most people worry about healthy eating, I think it is a good idea to have some healthier options. My search on Pinterest gave me a few ideas, but there were unfortunately, not a lot to choose from. Still, I was able to come up with a few recipes that looked delicious, yet at least made an attempt, to cut the fat and calories.


This Skinny Buffalo Chicken Dip, served with celery sticks is a great idea. I love spicy flavors and the crunch of the celery will replace the craving for chips.


Quesadillas can be a great, low fat choice, and this recipe, filled with corn and black beans are a delicious and filling, meatless option.


Baked Buffolo Chicken Strips, served with non fat blue cheese dressing, are a good alternative to the fried version.


These bright and colorful Antipasto Skewers look really pretty and are made with lots of healthy veggies.


Pickle Chips, that are baked, instead of fried, would be a fun and unexpected snack. A perfect alternative to potato chips and dip.

All of these are yummy choices, that will make Super Bowl snacking, guilt free.

Have a great weekend and enjoy your Super Bowl parties :-)



  1. Love the skewers and the quesadillas! Please deliver by noon tomorrow! :-)

  2. YUM!!! ... Thanks so much for visiting this morning & following me too!! Have a fantastic weekend!!

    Your Newest GFC Follower :),

  3. I've never heard of pickle chips--what an interesting idea!

  4. Vicki this is EXACTLY what I needed today! I am in charge of an appetizer for our little super bowl party this weekend but I am starting this diet and I really wanted to pick something I could take and enjoy. Those quesadillas are calling my name!!! Thanks so much for linking this up!!

  5. OMG Im on a diet and been dreading the tempations of "Super Bowl food". I love the scewer idea and I love fried pickles! Im gonna have to share my recipe sometime for them. But, I have easily ate a whole jar of pickle spears this way. Yes, a whole jar.

  6. Gorgeous looking snacks - they look perfect for a lighter version of party fare - I hope you have a fantastic time,


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