Tuesday, February 26, 2013

An Oscar Party


My friend had a few of us over on Sunday to watch the red carpet coverage and the Oscars. It was a perfect evening, filled with laughter and a healthy dose of critique towards an awards show that tends to take itself a little too seriously.

The first thing we did when we arrived, was to fill out our Oscar ballot. I only saw Argo and Les Miserables, so most of my picks were strictly guesses. But, I loved both of those movies and would have been happy about either one winning best picture.

Our hostess outdid herself with wonderful food. We had delicious cheese and crackers, fruit, veggies, salmon and one of my favorites - mussels steamed with wine and garlic. And, of course we enjoyed some lovely white wine in our wine glasses :-)

Here are some of our observations and what made us laugh.

  • We loved Jennifer Lawrence's dress, hair and total look. Hollywood glamour at its best.
  • We had mixed feelings on the host. Sometimes funny (sock puppets), but sometimes the jokes fell flat. The singing and dancing in the introduction was unexpected and our favorite.
  • We all agreed that Jane Fonda looks amazing for her age and we want to use her plastic surgeon, if we ever decide to go that route.
  • We were appalled that Catherine Zeta Jones was obviously lip syncing, but thought Jennifer Hudson was great and the Les Miz cast gave us chills.
  • We were amazed at Renee Zellweger - her botoxed face, as well as her inability to stand with normalcy on the stage. There was something strange going on with her.
  • Michelle Obama had no place announcing the best picture - give the honor to someone from Hollywood.

The length of the show was crazy, but the laughter of friends, made it a fun night.

Have a great day!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, A Favorite Thing



  1. I couldn't agree with you more. My pick was Jennifer Lawrence for best dressed. Michelle Obama - was that a first that a first lady gave out an award? Jane Fonda? who is her plastic surgeon. She looks great.

  2. I love checking out the fashions - I picked Kristin Chenoweth and Sandra Bullock as Best Dressed. I also lived the music theme - even when lip-synched. I wish I could rewind and see Renee Z. I didn't notice her issues. However, Richard Gere seemed a bit dazed and confused - or maybe he just forgot to put in his contacts and couldn't see the cue cards.

    The party sounds like great fun. Good idea for next year.

  3. I agree! I loved Jennifer Lawrence and the fact that she dresses beautifully, but still looks her age. MIchelle Obama-absolutely absurd. I loved Argo and am happy it won, but the first lady standing there with military props no less, really left a sour note for me. I also thought Charlize Theron looked amazing. Not just anyone could pull off that hair and her face is stunning!

  4. Sounds like you had a fun night! I agree about Michelle Obama. Really. Are these people about leading the country or brushing shoulders with Hollywood??! Now you've got me interested in finding videos of some of the people you mentioned. :-)

  5. Great way to watch the show:) I love seeing all of the pretty gowns! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. I usually go to a party for the Oscars, but this year no dice. What fun you must have had, talking about it with your friends!

  7. I missed the Oscars so thanks for the recap. You pretty much summed it up for me. lol. And What? Mrs.O. announced the best picture? geeeze. Oh and I have never had mussels and never cared to until you mentioned them steamed in wine and garlic. Id love to try them. Have a great week!

  8. It sounds like you had such a fun night! I missed the Oscars but followed up with reading all about it yesterday. So many pretty dresses, a few too many of them strapless, but totally glamorous. I agree with you on Jennifer Lawrence, I think she is going to be around for a long time.


  9. Jennifer Hudson is amazing. Just amazing!!

    I like how real Jennifer Lawrence is! She just seems like a normal girl. I hope it doesn't change!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  10. Well you know I wish I was at this party - how fun! I have to agree on all points. I kept saying to my husband, "what's wrong with Renee Z?". Wish the show had been more entertaining and tasteful, but I like how the awards themselves were divvied out. Jane Fonda is amazing.... Compare her to some of those younger gals and there is no contest! Ann

  11. I've had fun at past Oscar parties, gossiping with the "girls" and eating wonderfully. Not this year though, so your post reminded me nicely of those times.

  12. I would love to have shared the Oscars with friends! So much fun. I must agree with all you said and exclamation point on Mrs. Obama not presenting the Oscar for best film....just my opinion! Enjoyed my visit here from Favorite Things.


  13. What fun! Found you on A Favorite Thing and I would love to have you share this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today!

  14. The whole Renee Zellwegger thing was strange indeed. She clearly had been over botoxed and her eyes were strange. Oh, the Oscars - there's always something interesting that goes on and is talked about for days afterward!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  15. I didn't watch it but your party sounded like a great time!


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