Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...walking, books, etc.


  • The past few days I have been able to just wear a light windbreaker type jacket while walking. No gloves. No earmuffs. No heavy coat. It has been so nice to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. And, the grass is even starting to get a little green along the paths. Slowly, but surely our spring weather is coming.
  • I am still so amazed by the stories of the heroes that have emerged from the terror attack in Boston. There are so many good people in the world, ready to help others, without thinking of their own safety. Here is a really good article that gives some examples of the selfless acts that occurred. There are angels among us.
  • While I have been reading lately, I can't say that I have read anything good enough to recommend. There has been nothing particularly thought provoking or that I haven't been able to put down. I keep a running wish list on Amazon, but there is nothing on it at the moment that I am dying to read. There are books from some of my favorite authors, but they are not actually due to be published for months. Do any of you have anything to recommend? All suggestions would be welcome :-)
  • Later this morning I am getting my hair highlighted and trimmed, and I am looking forward to it. The salon I go to is very relaxing and calming; where the appointment starts with a scalp massage and a cup of Aveda herbal tea. If you have never had that brand of tea, it is a very interesting blend, with the flavors of lavender and mint. My hair is at that stage where it is past due for the highlights, so I know I will look and feel great when I leave. We all need a little pampering.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. I'm currently reading, 'Simply Christian - Why Christianity Makes Sense' by N.T. Wright. It is excellent!

  2. I'm reading a book by Joni Erickson that is pretty good. Have fun with your hair. sandie

  3. Sounds like you have a relaxing day ahead of you. Will be checking back on your comments because I am looking for a good book as well.

  4. Many of those hero stories have had me standing staring at the tv with tears in my eyes! Nice to know there still are so many caring people left in this world! I just finished The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult. It was an amazing book!

  5. I liked "Cutting For Stone" which I recently read. It came out in paperback recently but I got it at a Junior League sale. I buy thrifted books usually. I am reading "Better" now by a surgeon and it is good but you may not like nonfiction. Getting a hair cut is always refreshing-I am naturally highlight now. With grey. Hugs, Olive

  6. We are greening up here on the West side of Michigan, wearing lighter walking duds will be a happy day, very soon I hope. Now it is rain, rain and more rain!

  7. Being pampered sounds like a wonderful way to spend your day, enjoy!

    Stories of those who reach out to help others always touch me deeply; these are the things which are meaningful and true.

  8. I'm going to get my hair done on Tuesday and I can't wait!! Also go to an Aveda salon - love the special pampering it provides.

    Happy Weekend.

  9. The weather was nice up until today! But it was nice while it lasted that's for sure!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  10. I am very touched by the tweet - it's heartwarming that people care so much. This has been a trying week in Boston, and there truly are many wonderful people here. I believe that is true most everywhere.


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