Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...books, reality tv, etc.



  • Cold, wet rain on a forsythia bush, almost ready to bloom. This is a perfect caption to the spring we are having. My only consolation is that I am hoping this means we can look forward to a mild summer.
  • My book club read an amazing book this month and I highly recommend it. Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler is a thought provoking and heart warming story of forbidden love and an unlikely friendship between two women of different generations and race. It flows back and forth between two eras in a seamless narrative of an interracial relationship that serves as a parallel to the women's friendship. There is an emotional ending that will stay with you well after you finish.
  • The Real Housewives of Orange County has started off with drama that once again leaves me wondering how these women look at their behavior and feel proud. There has been a lot of talk about bullying, but I think they are just mean girls who find someone to gossip about and pick on, thus creating drama. Self awareness is a beautiful thing - and they don't have it :-)
  • I have to admit I haven't been watching Dancing with the Stars as much as I would like. There just isn't that one dancer who has grabbed my interest. And, after watching Sean on the last Bachelor season, I can't help but feel duped by his regular guy persona. I think he has gone Hollywood.
  • I am looking for new everyday dishes and can't seem to make a decision. I am pretty sure I will go with white, to work with the changes I have planned for my kitchen. However, should I get round or square plates? Maybe a combination of both? This weekend, a decision will be made :-)

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Hi there Vicki! I just found your blog this morning as I was Googling the RePurpose Store! LOL I explored your blog a bit this morning over my cuppa and you've totally inspired me to get mine up and running again! I get so bogged down thinking I don't have anything exciting going on in my life, that I don't write. But, you showed me that it IS the everyday things that DO make my life good! I am blessed in so many ways and I should write these down if for no other reason than to see them myself! :)

    I noticed we have few things in common...only daughters, Michiganders, possibly living in the same vicinity, mostly empty nesters, youngest in the same year at colleges! Not to mention many of the same likes!

    Anyway, about those dishes. I love, love square plates and look at them all the time dreaming. But then, I wonder if they'd chip more with handling as there is something "sticking out." Just my thoughts...but, I'd definitely go white. SO much you can do with simple white dishes.

    Looking forward to visits here. I've also borrowed some of your book ideas for my upcoming vacation!

  2. Your club's selection looks great. I'll have to suggest it to my group. My group is doing Destiny of a Republic on President Garfield.

    I finally went with white dishes which I love. I like being able to change up the color just by adding some serving dishes and decorations. I have mostly round dishes but some square. That's another great part about white dishes. Different styles all fit together as though they were made for that purpose.

  3. Hi Vicky... thanks for the book recommendation. My BC is reading Rules of Civility which was very good. I agree with you on RH but I can't stop watching it. I'm addicted.

  4. I never watch any housewives on TV, but that book does sound really good!

  5. This week's episode of RH was crazy. That dinner part was so awkward. The tension was so thick I could feel it from my couch. They all have such personalities that no one can just let it be.

    Thanks for linking up!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  6. I heard that was a great book. The waiting list at the library is long! We got hooked on Housewives a few years ago. They are mean!! But still give us big laugh. Good luck dishes shopping!

  7. Hi Vickie, I am only devoted to a few TV shows, Castle, Call The Midwife, and Big Bang Theory. Which is a weird mix. No reality TV for me as it caused countless numbers of talented people to loose jobs plus I do not like them. I was sent your post about iPads and mobile blogging. My blog writing in not visible on iPads-maybe your post will fix it. Hope so and thanks, Olive

  8. I watch DWTS but that is the only one! My Hubby likes to watch it too... so it is one show we watch together! I have to add that book to my list of GOTTA READ:) Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Vickie, I have been more appalled by RHOC this season so far than usual. I hope I never run into those women here because they are scary, delusional, selfish and mean. Yes, I still watch them, but it's hard to believe people really behave this way to each other. I've never been a big Alexis fan, but she is definitely being picked on and I don't get it. That kind of behavior is not entertainment.

    Your BC pick sounds interesting and I will put it on my list.

    I have white dishes because they go with anything. I prefer round, but maybe that's just me. Also if you have white dinner plates you can accessorize smaller plates with different themes. Just my opinion. Ann

  10. Thanks for the book recomendation!!

    Stopping by from the link up.

  11. If there wasn't drama on those RH shows, I don't think they would get the ratings they get. I think that's why they are all still on.....don't watch the RHOC, but have caught the NY version once in a while and love their outrageous behaviour and attire. Guilty pleasures.....

    DWTS - we watch it faithfully because we've been taking ballroom lessons for the past couple of years - feeling more like Andy Dick than Kelly Pickler with our own dance styles though. Sean, really? Hollywood and fake, I think.

    As for the weather.....yikes, woke up to a frozen birdbath and having to scrape the car of ice. When will it ever get warm?


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