Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Downton Abbey Thoughts




As the season four finale ended on Sunday evening, I was sad to think how long of a wait it would be until it was back on my television screen, but also happy with the way the story lines played out. There is much to look forward to and anticipate, as many plots were left open. This was a quieter season of Downton and I read many complaints in the on line recaps, saying that nothing much of importance happened. But, I think they are missing the point. Downton has always been a show of small happenings and daily life, all with a healthy dose of behind the scenes intrigue. It is about overheard conversations and secrets. And, how secrets are always found out in the end.

It is also a show about romance. Mary is the central figure and many complain that she is too arrogant and self centered. I see her as a women not willing to settle, as many did in that era. She is allowed her grief for the life she imagined with Matthew and in the finale we see her realize bringing Downton into prosperity rests on her shoulders. Who will be the right man to be her partner in this - Lord Gillingham or Charles Blake?

Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson are the heart of Downton and that was never shown more clearly than in the finale. Lord and Lady Grantham may be the head of the household, but Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson are the moral compass for so much of what happens both above and below the stairs. The ending showed a partnership and a bond that was touching, in its quiet strength.

Finally, the season gave us a glimpse into moments in time we would otherwise not have the privilege of seeing. It was truly facinating to see the pomp and circumstance of Rose's presentation at court. This was especially true, knowing how things played out for the royal family a short ten years later.

Downton Abbey for me is about the immersion into a world in the beautiful English countryside - the homes, clothes and traditions. I like to see what Daisy and Mrs. Patmore are preparing for dinner and the nuances of society at that time in history. The critics can hope for more drama, but for me, the daily life at Downton is my cup of tea :-)


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch



  1. Bravo, well said! I too am saddened by how quickly this season flew by and already anticipating series 5.

  2. I'm with you 100% Loved the clothes...and what a picnic! When faced with the decision of what to do about the staff outing...I loved how Mr Carson's ideas were just left without much comment. I felt that no one wanted to hurt his feelings....then a day at the seaside was suggested...and a lovely outing they had. Tender moment with Mr. Carson and Mrs Hughes.
    It is a long wait for the nest part....but worth the wait.

  3. Wonderful post! I totally agree with you. I will find it hard to wait another year to watch the new season.

  4. 2015 seem so far away though, I wish they could produce the series with longer episodes. I love every thing about Downton Abbey. I'm anxious to see how Edith's life with her baby girl plays out! I do agree with the quiet way it ended.

  5. I agree with all your thoughts. I was pleasantly surprised at the finale, most of it was so nice compared to other things that happened this season.

  6. Very well written! I mainly agree with your comments, but also feel there were "scandalous" issues written into the script and not all of those would have happened the exact way in that day and age. It sometimes felt like 25 year old writers from Los Angeles were trying to shock us with everything they could think of and dictate how people would behave in early 20th century England.

  7. The story line I see them playing out with continuing momentum is that of women. Emotionally, intellectually and spiritually makes for great anticipation for another season. The final hands held scene going into the water sealed the deal for me. I like that each character gets their own moment of stardom . . .

    I agree . . . now we wait long months for MORE!

  8. I loved your post. I must admit, I am still catching up! Downton S4 only started on TV here in Australia last Sunday. I was an avid viewer through season 1 and 2 but things got busy and season 3 went by the wayside while I watched other things. I have 1, 2 and 3 on DVD and have just ordered 4 so I can have a big Downton marathon soon.
    I love the costumes and traditions as you mentioned, its a bit of escapism into a time gone by.

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  9. I, too, enjoy the day to day happenings with a bit of drama thrown in. The settings and how everything is filmed is outstanding! You feel as if you're there. We'll just have to settle for reruns until Season 5 comes out.

  10. You said it so well - I love the scenery and day to day. The "soap opera" is just added bonus!


  11. I feel exactly the same way. I enjoyed this season and was happy with the way it wrapped up.

  12. What a great review Vicki..so well said The DA people couldn't have described it better..I didn't realize that was the last episode for awhile..I have to watch it again.. The pizza looks wonderful..

  13. So well said!
    I was so pleased that the ending didn't leave me heart broken as last years did, but instead I was left with a sense of contentment that most all was well.

  14. I am totally with you on appreciating the daily life of Downton. It was such a treat to be let in on the upstairs/downstairs of English aristocracy. Loved every minute of that series! In fact, when I pull out the DVDs and play them, it's like audio/visual comfort food. :-)

  15. What a wonderful review! I started watching it last year and need to play catch up! I'm happy I found your blog and I'll be back!
    Have a great evening!

  16. Great review. I love how this season ended. I just wish there were more episodes per season. Too long to wait for next year. xo Laura

  17. Like you, I prefer a little less shock and a whole lot more every day at Downton. It was a fine finale for me! I think that is the first time we have seen Daisy in a pretty coloured dress.

  18. I'm with you. To me, Downton reminds me of a more opulent country version of Upstairs, Downstairs. My favourite scenes always happen in the kitchen!

  19. It is such a pretty show--and I do like those quiet stories, too.

  20. Wow, I can't believe the show is already over. The season was filled with drama and it will be interesting to see how it all plays out for the various characters.

  21. I realized that I didn't watch last night and then was saddened to remember it was over for the season. This season was too short and went so fast. I wish the seasons were longer as Laura said above. It will be a long wait until next January. I love Downton Abbey and I don't wish there were more drama.

  22. I am not crazy about the 20's era they're in. I would like it if someday they would do a pre-quel and show Lord Grantham growing up in DA, I would love that!


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