Friday, February 21, 2014

February Book Club




It was the worst kind of night to go out; rainy, slushy and all around sloppy. But, we all braved the elements to attend our February book club and it was well worth it. We always have such fun together and the evening was just what everyone needed after a long work week.



We always bring wine to help our hostess, so we had a variety to try and discover a new favorite. That first glass always is so relaxing after a long day.



Our dinner was just lovely; both pretty to look at and delicious. There was three kinds of beans and rice, mexican, curry and mediterranean. I couldn't decide which was my favorite. And, this fresh, grilled shrimp was the perfect accompaniment.



This salad was so amazing! Avocado, grilled pineapple, and blueberries on a bed of lettuce. There was a light citrus dressing that was a beautiful touch and brought out the freshness. I'm not ashamed to say I had seconds of this wonderful dish.



Aren't these so pretty! Green beans served any way at all are one of my favorites and these, with a squash wrapping were as delicious as they were pretty.



After that wonderful dinner, we had a lively discussion about The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. The questions were interesting and brought up comparisons to classic gothic novels, such as Jane Eyre.


Another book club and another night, well spent with friends.


Have a great weekend!



  1. The photos of the enticing food has triggered my palette . . . Your monthly book club group sounds delightful, friends, wine, delicious dinner and time to discuss the monthly read too!

  2. I've always thought a book club would be a great hobby. Your meeting looked great with the food--I;m going to try that salad combination. Great pictures.

  3. The food looks amazing! That book is on the list for the future with our club. We met last night to discuss The First Phone Call From Heaven. Everyone for the most part love the book, and it led to some great discussion. We are reading The Light Between Oceans next month, and then The Husband's Secret after that. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. What a fun night despite the weather. That salad is unique and sounds absolutely delicious.

  5. Oh my gosh the food looks so good! I will have to try the green bean dish. Your shared evening of good food and wine, friends and a good read~~~sounds delightful.

  6. I so need to make the salad. Sounds fab. Was the dressing homemade?

  7. What a spread!
    And that book makes for very good discussion. Such an incredible story using the gothic elements. I loved it.

  8. That is great food for a bookclub. You do things right!

  9. What a wonderful way to spend an icky night - great food, wonderful friends, and scintillating conversation. I better find some friends soon!

  10. Our club read The Thirteenth Tale a year ago and it was one of our favorites!!! You all really set a table! We're just snacks and desserts but isn't it nice to sit and be with friends and good stories? This month we read Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chizverini and next month is Time is a River by Mary Alice Monroe. Love hearing about what you're reading!

  11. What fun! I wish I was in a book club with good friends to wine and dine with! Love the squash ring around the green beans~

  12. How fun! I didn't know you had a full on dinner at your book club. That's nice. The avocado salad looks really interesting, a lot of tastes and textures.

    The book sounds good. I loved Jane Eyre.


  13. Gotta love a night spent with friends and YUMMY food:) Those green beans look delicious! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  14. I love reading about your reading club evenings. It looks like you ladies really have a good time.

  15. You ladies go all out..Looks yummy..Sounds like a blast

  16. Wow, your book club really does it well! Everything looks so delicious - I think I'd love that salad.

  17. Book Club is always a wonderful opportunity to eat and visit with girlfriends. The menu here looks delicious:) That salad looks so tasty and I like the green bean bundles! xxleslie

  18. You guys have the best menus for Book Club night! Thanks for letting the rest of us steal your ideas!


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