Thursday, February 27, 2014





Lately, my favorite breakfast has been something with fruit. When you are diabetic the natural sweetness of fruit can satisfy that craving for a treat. I replace syrup with fresh fruit on top of pancakes or waffles and it is a delicious and healthy start to my day. This morning I made an old favorite, Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal, that will warm me up on this cold, cold morning. This is a recipe I make when I have time, keep in my fridge and warm up in the mornings - it is so much better than instant oatmeal!


I have been reading the twitter feed for spring training at the Detroit Tigers camp in Florida and dreaming of warm weather. The grass is green, the sun is shining and the palm trees circle the field. A couple of years ago, we went to a spring training game, sat on the grass behind the outfield and just soaked up the sun. Perfection.


Lately, I have become a fan of herbal tea, especially the Sleepytime Tea K Cups I have started buying for my Keurig. Caffeine doesn't affect me too much late at night, so I've always been a late night tea drinker. This herbal tea actually relaxes me and helps me fall asleep.


My reading lately has been a little disappointing. There doesn't seem to be a good selection of books out right now, there is nothing new from my favorite authors and everything I've read lately has just been ok. I need a good book that will grab me and make me not want to put it down. Has anyone read anything amazing recently?


Lately, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has been hard to watch, with a mean girl's plot to shut out my favorite housewife, Lisa Vanderpump. She is what these type of shows should be about. I want to see her fabulous life, her fabulous home and her fabulous clothes. This show in particular needs a new cast. I want to see some fancy parties, gorgeous locations, real friendships and much less mean girl drama.


Happy Thursday!



  1. I would have to agree with your comment about there not being any good books to read right now. I seem to be in a slump, too. Nothing piques my interest right now and the ones I have read have been less than stellar.

  2. Yum! Looks like an Apple Craisin Crisp I make...but next time! I think I'll add nuts & flax seeds,...:)JP

  3. Your oatmeal looks fantastic, and I'm not really an oatmeal fan. I'm going to have to give this a try.

  4. I've been reading "old lady books"The Covington series by Joan Medlicott. I think that they are too old for you, however.
    Your oatmeal looks good....I'll give it a try.

  5. Lately we need that oatmeal to keep warm!!

  6. That looks delicious! I can't wait for the fruit stands to open up around here! I haven't read anything lately, need some good beach reads soon:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. I've had this several times this winter with peaches..Did you post your recipe before?? I got it from someones blog..Yummy


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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