Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine Favorites




How wonderful to see your husband walking in the door with roses on Valentine's Day. And, they were my favorite yellow roses too. After all these years, my husband knows it is the little things that make me the happiest. I don't need any extravagance and pretty flowers, especially when remembering my favorite kind, mean more to me than anything.



Instead of going out to dinner on Valentine's night, we spent a quiet evening watching the Olympics. We decided to mark the occasion by going out for breakfast Saturday morning - my favorite thing to do. We dropped my puppy off at the groomers for a much needed haircut and were at my favorite breakfast spot bright and early. I enjoyed my whole wheat blueberry pancakes, with maple butter, as well as the time to linger over coffee, talking and catching up on our week.



To round out my weekend of favorites, I received a surprise package from my mother in law! She sent me more white dishes for my growing collection and I love them. I now have 12 appetizer plates that will be so perfect for entertaining and that I can mix and match effortlessly. It is so nice to receive a surprise and know that someone was thinking of you :-)

Happy Monday!



  1. Love your yellow roses, they are my favorites too. Breakfast sound wonderful and a perfect day. Hugs, Marty

  2. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. The roses are gorgeous.

  3. Yellow roses are my favorite too!! Breakfast looks yummy. What a thoughtful gift from you MIL!

  4. I love yellow roses too and going out for breakfast is fabulous! The pancakes look yummy:)
    ~Anne xx

  5. It looks as though you were well looked after and those plates are a fantastic gift from your mother in law xx

  6. Love your yellow roses. My husband came home from work on Valentine's Day with yellow roses also. They always brighten any room. You indeed had a special day!

  7. Roses, Pancakes, Surprises . . . can it get any better!

  8. You are so right! There is nothing better than a gift that shows the person took the time to "know" what you would like. Those appetizer plates are fabulous! They look to be the perfect size and an interesting shape. What a great gift/surprise!

  9. How sweet! Yqour husband knowing that cheery yellow is better Ethan red, that a quiet breakfast is nicer than a busy dinner out. We went to one of favourite spots for lunch. So !much better than fighting the crowds at night

  10. You sound like a very lucky woman. Favorite flowers, breakfast out, and white dishes. Sounds perfect to me. xo Laura

  11. Your roses are gorgeous:) and I think staying IN is the most fun. Your breakfast looks so good!

  12. Yellow roses are my favorite too : )


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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