Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday...winter olympics, etc.





What to do for Valentine's Day? Since it is a Friday night, I'm sure the restsurants will be packed and that doesn't sound like much fun. I am leaning towards going for breakfast on Saturday morning since that is one of our favorite things to do. Whole grain waffles, with blueberries from my favorite breakfast place sound really good right now :-)



I am enjoying the Winter Olympics and I think the most exciting sport to watch is the snowboarding. I find it really interesting that while I do remember when snowboarding first started as an Olympic sport, now I can't imagine the winter games without it. And, it is interesting to see the pioneers of the sport still competing, but another generation coming on strong. The women were so fun to watch last night and they seemed to be genuinely happy for each other.



Over the weekend, I read Melanie Shankle's (Big Mama Blog) new book, The Antelope in the Living Room. It is a quick read and very funny. It looks at how two people with very different personalities can make marriage work. You will find yourself relating to many of the stories and laughing along, as well as being moved to tears.


Downton Abbey had my heart breaking for Lady Edith this week. I thought her quiet sadness was wonderfully acted and it will be interesting to see who supports her decision. I am not sure about Lady Mary's reaction to the news - it could go either way, but I hope we see her softer side.


Happy Thursday!



  1. I enjoy the ice skating the most as far as the Olympics. I was disappointed, though, that Shawn White didn't place; he seems like a genuine person. I loved Downton Abbey, too. You don't mess with Mr. Bates!!

  2. I love the skiing - just love it !!! ( although I'm not a skier - I should be living in Montreal )
    Edith broke my heart this week too............but I can't wait to see where the story goes from here - another baby at Downton - this show may end up going on forever - with another generation lol.
    Much love,

  3. We are enjoying watching as we have been in for a few days. Got more snow last night, but now that the sun is out it is melting quickly. We love the figure skating, as our girls competed when they were younger. The snowboarding events are always fun to watch as well. The book sounds interesting. We are reading the First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom for book club. Quick and easy. We too will stay in for Valentines...hate fighting crowds at restaurants for so-so food!!

  4. I thought the same thing about the snowboarders. It was so nice to see them giving each other good luck high-fives before their runs. I'm behind one week of Downton Abbey and need to remedy that situation right away! I do feel for Edith but in a way, I'm glad the actress in that role is getting a strong plot line rather than usually being in the background.

  5. I love the snow boarding too. Thanks for the book recommendation. I am sad for Edith too. I don't blame you... I would rather go out for breakfast than fight the dinner crowds. Have a great VD.

  6. Enjoy those blueberry pancakes . . . sounds like a perfect sweet for a Valentine gal and her beau!


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