Friday, February 14, 2014

Fashion Friday

Most days, you will find me in yoga pants, cute and comfortable tennis shoes and a long sleeve, 1/2 zip top in a pretty color or pattern. I am comfortable and can transition from errands to my daily walk.
My favorite tops are from lululemon, but sometimes they can be a little expensive. I have found a great alternative in Old Navy active wear and most options can be a third of the price for the same style as lululemon.
I found some adorable options at both Old Navy and lululemon that are definitely on my wish list for the future. Mixing purchases up with the less expensive, but good quality Old Navy active wear, just makes sense.

Many are snowed in or it is just too cold to get out and shop, so online shopping is the perfect activity for today :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Snowing here again today but your clothing shopping brightened up the day. Have fun shopping:) Hug B

  2. Love my some yoga pants and a cute top:) On-line shopping is SO much fun! I love getting the packages in the mail:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Like your fashion piece . . . what brand for your colorful tennis shoes?

  4. I like that pink top. And ON has decent quality clothes again, too.

  5. We are thawing out. Still a bit of ice on the drive and walkways. Not fun taking the dog out this morning. I have a similar top I picked up at Target made by Champion and love it!

  6. I'm in love with the second shirt

  7. We got snow again yesterday..more tonight..Love your tops..Happy Valentines day..

  8. I love all of those...every single one!!!...:)JP

  9. Most days ??? LOL I'm in yoga pants EVERY day (even if I change when I get home HaHa) I had forgotten about Old Navy !! I have to check them out. I use Danskin a lot too. I love the bright pinks and blues too. Happy Hearts day !! ox

  10. Once you get used to the yoga pant feel it's tough to wear anything else on a day that filled with errands. The clothes at lulu are pricey but seem to be good quality and last. I'll have to check out the Old Navy brand:)

  11. Hi Vicki, very cute and I love the color! Thanks for the pointer...I will be checking them out.

  12. So cute! I never thought about looking at Old Navy -- now I must do that!

  13. I love the tops with the thumb holes. Just the perfect thing to give that little extra warmth in the winter. I really love that bright pink top!


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