Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Snowy Valentine's Porch




I was up early for morning mass today, since my streets were not yet plowed and drivable Sunday morning. It is always such a peaceful thing to accomplish early in the morning and on this frigid, sunny morning I noticed how wintery and pretty my snowy Valentines's porch looked. The red burlap ribbon on the wreath very simply propped in the corner, gives a bright pop of color in our snowy landscape.



On my front door, I welcome guests with a wreath with red and white berries and a touch of Valentine's Day cheer. This wreath has a story and was repurposed from a holiday wreath found on clearance.



There are mounds of snow on both sides of the porch with a narrow path to approach. Where will we put any more snow? And, there is another six inches to come tonight. I keep these little trees, with lights shining in the dark, through February. They look so pretty when the snow is falling.

Happy Tuesday!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style


  1. That's a sweet little bird and valentine on the wreath. Repurposing is away of life for me, you can make so many wonderful decorations that way. We are getting our first big snow of the season, suppose to get around 11 inches. Have a great week.

  2. I hear you...the Pres just pushed ours aside for the next batch, too! Red & white look pretty together though!...:)JP

  3. Beautiful. Everything looks so peaceful and serene. Love the idea of the little white lights shining through the snow. Stay warm!!

  4. i feel your pain, Vicki. We're getting more snow tonight too! I'm ready for Spring!

  5. It's 3:30 pm and the snow is just starting here. Our porch is a bit neglected this year. Hope to do a bit of Valentine's this weekend. Yours looks so cheery and I'll bet the twinkle lights look pretty at night.

  6. What a winter we are having, right?
    I loved what you said about being up early to attend mass-
    I could just picture it.


  7. Sweet and lovely . . . the snow gives a bunch of sparkle too!

  8. Ahhh you've gotta love snow right?! We are in the same pattern that you are in. Only we are supposed to get ice on top of everything.

    Stay warm and safe my friend!


  9. Look at all of that snow!!! Send some to NC!

  10. It certainly has been a snowy winter. Your touches of red bring some much needed warmth to us this morning. Thanks.

  11. Oh so pretty snow! I can't imagine having SO much of it! Love your sweet porch! Enjoy your day dear friend, stay safe and warm! HUGS!

  12. I couldn't believe when I heard more snow was headed your way! You've got the right attitude .. I know many are getting tired of the white stuff at this point. The wreath and valentine is perfect:) Stay warm! xxleslie

  13. Your porch is very pretty and welcoming - I love your wreath! I guess it's time for me to remove my evergreen one... :-/


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