Monday, December 9, 2013

Coming Up Roses


It is no secret that we are MSU alumni and fans. We met there, graduated from there and go to campus often to visit Melissa. We bleed green and white. Needless to say, Saturday night we were cheering on our Spartan football team in their win over Ohio State and the Big Ten Championship. It had been over 25 years since MSU earned a chance to play in the Rose Bowl and we were thrilled.

This awaited me in my inbox on Sunday morning and it was exciting to think about. Could there be a trip to sunny California in our future? There was a scramble to put names on lists for package tours and game tickets and only some of us may be going - we will have to see what happens, but either way, the football team that we watch every weekend, exceeded all expectations this season and will play in Pasadena on New Year's Day.

Happy Monday!



  1. Oh Vicki... I know that you are in Spartan heaven!! Sunny Pasadena and your favorite team - sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. I'll be watching. Love football;). Hugs coming your way and CONGRATS!!!!

  3. Congrats to your team. Hope you get to go to the big game!

  4. I was cheering for y'all Saturday night! Would have loved to play Ohio in the Sugar Bowl, but oh, well. I guess it's Oklahoma instead! Roll Tide!!

  5. Oh my Vicki! I hope you can go. The Spartans have been so outstanding this year, what a thrill to see the 100th Rose Bowl in person . . . I hope it works out!

  6. Ha, that is the one and ONLY time you will catch my MI hubby cheering for STATE! LOL Baylor is Fiesta bound after winning the Big Twelve! So exciting this year!!

  7. Oh I hope you get to go! That would be so much fun! One of the things on my "while I still live in California" bucket list is to see the Tournament of Roses Parade. Maybe I'll see you there!

  8. Congrats to you and your team, so exciting! Our team is the University of Central Florida and
    they are going to the Fiesta Bowl. As much as we would love to cheer them on in person, it is a long trek to Arizona! We will be watching from home! Hope you get to go : )


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