Monday, December 23, 2013

Last Minute Baking - Christmas Oreo Brownies




It's crunch time and all the last minute details of Christmas are in our sights. What doesn't get accomplished at this point, won't matter when Christmas morning arrives. Let's all take a deep breath and enjoy a beautiful holiday week!

If you are in need of a last minute Christmas baking treat that couldn't be easier, these Christmas Oreo Brownies are perfect. In fact, they are so easy, you could keep the ingredients in your pantry and make them to serve to any unexpected company that might drop by during this holiday week. Put them on a pretty tray and you have a delicious dessert to serve.


Christmas Oreo Brownies

1 box brownie mix for 13x9 pan (oil, eggs and water as directed)

1 package Oreos (use red Christmas Oreos for the holidays)

Prepare mix as directed on box. Pour 1/2 of brownie mix in 13x9 pan. Place Oreos in rows, on top of brownie mix, then top Oreos with remaining mix. Bake as directed. Allow to cool and cut in squares.

*note - I line the brownie pan with non stick foil. Just lift out foil after baking and brownies won't stick to pan.

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Jennifer Rizzo


Between Naps on the Porch

Gooseberry Patch

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Mom's Test Kitchen

Made From Pinterest


  1. They look and sound quick and easy, yummy too!
    Happy and Merry Christmas Vicki!

  2. My youngest makes chocolate chip cookies with oreos in the middle. DEADLY! Even though we can no longer eat them, I am sure she will make up a batch for friends over the holidays.

  3. What a cool, yummy idea! And I like that you used Christmas oreos.

  4. YUM, thanks for sharing:) Have a blessed Christmas! HUGS!


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