Monday, December 2, 2013

Decking The Halls



I started on Saturday and continuing throughout the week, I will be slowly, but surely decking the halls with ribbon, garland and greenery. The tree will go up and I will decorate my front porch. I find that I enjoy the decorating process if I do it a little at a time, placing things just so and not rushing to get it done, all at once.

The bins are everywhere, but thats okay. Out of the chaos and the piles of decorations, will come beauty. There will be lights glowing on the tree, soon enough and I won't succumb to Christmas stress. Each piece of decor or each ornament has a story and I am going to take time to remember.

By the end of the week, everything will again be in its place and the tree will sparkle each night during the Christmas season. It really is the most magical time of the year - if you take the time to enjoy it.

Happy Monday!



  1. Doing the same here. We did get a lot done this weekend. But, still have a lot to do. I agree, if I get the main things in place and then take time to "fluff" the end result is always better.

  2. I like doing it that way, too Vicki. Definitely not worth getting stressed over. xo Laura

  3. I do mine the same way-a little at a time. I get sloppy otherwise. I'm the same with addressing my Christmas cards. I do about five or six then take a break, otherwise my handwriting gets messy. We have our trees up and decorated, but not much more. I will get to it off and on this week. Happy Decorating!

  4. I just finished my decorating and packed my bins back away - such a great feeling :)

  5. It is important to me that I get it done so I can enjoy it too:) I love this time of the year! Have a blessed and productive week dear friend, HUGS!

  6. We had our bins everywhere this weekend too! It's done...Christmas has arrived in A Quiet Corner!!!!.....:)JP

  7. I feel much the same . . . I open my bins and the memories flow. I decided this evening as I began to begin decorating that I all about the memories,the tender stories that have emerged through the years. No rush . . . I too am taking the time o enjoy . . .

  8. Doing the same thing, little by little. And that works best for me too. One room at a time and by the end of the week, it should all be done.


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