Monday, December 16, 2013

A Merry Martini Night



Friday night, I hosted the first stop for the progressive Bunco party in my neighborhood. As is the tradition, I always serve a special holiday martini and a few light appetizers to get the evening started. We always have a wonderful time and the martinis always add a festive touch. We gather around the table in my kitchen; adding more chairs and mixing more cocktails as we talk and laugh. We will move on to two more houses up and down the street to play Bunco and do a gift exchange, but it is this first stop with our merry martinis that make the evening feel so festive. We celebrate another year of friendship :-)

To make this Merry Martini, mix 1 part vodka, 1 part apple pucker liqueur and 1 part apple juice in a martini pitcher. When ready to serve, pour in a martini shaker filled with ice, shake well and fill a martini glass with a maraschino cherry in the bottom. Cheers!

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Jennifer Rizzo


Between Naps on the Porch

Gooseberry Patch

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Mom's Test Kitchen

Made From Pinterest



  1. Sounds like a fun gathering. I might have to adopt that next year!

  2. Sounds like fun! When I make appletini's I take a melon scooper and scoop a round ball of apple and put it on a toothpick. Kind of like an apple olive :-)

  3. I cannot wait to party this year! Hope it is as nice as your...:)JP

  4. What fun! And your house and table are so festive and pretty!

  5. Fun! Love the idea of making it a progressive night.

  6. Hi this looks like it's so much fun and I love pomegranate martinis! I hope you are enjoying the holidays. Merry Christmas! Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  7. Sounds like a great holiday drink. Hope you enjoy your party with friends.

  8. That Martini would light me up big time!

  9. Your nest is never empty for too long, Vicki. Going to dig out the apple pucker liquour and make some of these for our next party - New Years.

  10. Sounds good, and sounds like fun. Have a wonderful Christmas, Vicki!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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