Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Shining Lights on my Walk



Lately, I have been waiting to walk until just before dark; right when the Christmas lights are scheduled to come on all around my neighborhood.

It is peaceful walking in the snow, with the lights shining and casting reflections.

The soft glow lights up the darkness and I no longer think of my many to do lists, but enjoy the calm and the beauty of the lights around every corner.

It is cold and snowy, but I bundle up and enjoy the crunch of the snow under my boots and the chilly air on my face. There is a fire and a hot cup of tea waiting for me at home and any holiday stress I may have been feeling, just melts away. Soon the magic of these Christmas lights will be gone for another year, but for now, I enjoy the peacefulness they bring.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. I love the scene that you just set. It sounds like simple perfection. Enjoy your walks!

  2. It's always great to take time to enjoy the sights of the season!

  3. Yes, I love this time of the year when everyone puts out colorful Christmas lights. Thanks for sharing some of yours.

  4. Love all the Christmas lights. Thanks for sharing. I need to go out and get some photos in my neighborhood.

  5. Beautiful. I wouldn't mind walking in the cold with that scenery.

  6. What a perfect time to walk! So pretty!!

  7. It always looks so beautiful this time of year with the houses lit up in our neighbourhood too. I just hate those first few days after the holidays when it's dark again.

  8. Such a pretty walk ! :) I read your other post as well..who ISN"T waiting for more Downton Abbey, huh? :)

  9. Nothing like a walk in the cold air to perk one up..Merry Christmas , Vicki

  10. Lights shining on new fallen snow - just gorgeous! There is a stillness and calm in those cold snowy nights!


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