Friday, December 27, 2013

Our Christmas Week



Our Christmas week has been busy, but filled with fun times, all the better, because they have been spent together. Seeing my daughters relaxing at home, in their matching pajamas, makes me happy.

Christmas Day was my day to host the family, so it was a whirlwind of cooking, table decorating and general preparation, before everyone arrived that evening. My daughters were a big help too. I made Candy Cane martinis to start the night; a tradition that is so pretty and fun. We had a lovely dinner, before we opened presents and ended the evening with a great game called Head's Up, which used an app and my IPad. Everyone played and it got really loud, with a lot of laughter - the best type of family game :-)

The rest of the week has been filled with relaxing - football, movies and lots of time spent in pajamas. I hope each and everyone one of you had a wonderful Christmas and have been able to spend time with family. Enjoy that last view of the lights on your Christmas tree, as we all slow down a little and savor the time to relax.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Love the picture of your daughters. They are each so pretty. And your dog is adorable! Reminds me of our Snickers. King Cavalier? I like her long ears . . . I will look up the game app. Sounds fun. Happy relaxing weekend to you too!

  2. Family and football - the best way to spend this week! Love the picture of you and your daughter. Enjoy the relaxing time in pajamas!

  3. What a sweet picture of the girls. This is the only time of year I can still dress my two alike without complaints. LOL Enjoy the rest of your time with them home.

  4. Love the matching pjs!! We're sitting here this morning waiting for my girls to get up for our last day together. We've had a series of Christmas' with various members of the family. It has been busy, but not hectic. The girls are back home today and then we have a couple of days before the New Years guests arrive.

    Have a good remainder of the holidays.

  5. Love spending time in pajamas..Pretty girls..Enjoy their visit..Happy times..

  6. CUTE picture! I can almost see you smiling behind the camera:) We have had a busy few weeks but I am enjoying some rest and a hot cup of coffee this morning! Have a blessed week ahead and a Happy New Year! HUGS!

  7. My kind of holiday...very similar happenings here : ) Nothing like grown up girls home in their pjs! Happy 2014!

  8. Your girls are so cute!! Sounds like christmas was fun!
    Have a wonderful new year!!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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