Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Winter Porch


When putting together a Christmas display for my front porch, I like to keep in mind that winter needs bright colors that give a little cheer to the drab days. No snow for us yet, so the cheery red I have added is a welcoming touch. This black wrought iron table in the corner is the perfect spot to keep things high above the inevitable snow that will cover the porch. Some of these elements will stay throughout January.

This red birdhouse is one of my favorite finds - I just love its snow covered roof.

A basket full of pine cones, ornaments and greenery gives color, texture and natural beauty to the display.


The newest addition to the porch this year is this sweet little tree. I added the red burlap bow for a pop of color. I thought about adding some ornaments, but sometimes simple is best.


Happy Thursday - more decorating and a little shopping today - Christmas is coming fast!


{Linking with these friends}


Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style

Jennifer Rizzo


Funky Junk Interiors

Cozy Little House






  1. Beautiful:) Love seeing pretties on the porch! A welcome sight for visitors! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Love your bright porchside Christmas decor!

  3. Your porch is so pretty and festive. xo Laura

  4. Vicki... love the pop of color on your porch!!! Look great!!!

  5. It's all so pretty, but I'm partial to the basket of ornaments, pine cones and greenery!

  6. Love all the red, Vicki. And your new tree is so sweet.

  7. SO cute! Your taste is fantastic.

  8. Very nice Vicki . . . live the red. I am using red this year too . . .


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